Friday 3 January 2014

♥Happy New Year♥

Hey :')
I know I'm a little bit late but it's2014 already... I can't believe it D: 2013 went quick, I guess I had too much fun then aha :') Who watched the BBC Fireworks broadcast then? Did you like them? :') I don't even know why I'm asking this question but what time did everyone get to sleep at? O.O Mine was later than 2am xD The video below is of the Fireworks from last night, enjoy if you didn't see it xD There was 150,000 people there I think and all for just 10 minutes of fireworks D: Shows what people will go do :P
Happy New Year Everyone♥

I was meant to take a photo with the "3 Elephants" but each of them kept running off so I only got one photo with one Elephant in the end xD *Click image to enlarge*. Oh and one last thing, when you feed your Bonster it does a weird face sometimes and it makes me laugh :')

Bye :')
It's face is like "COME TO PAPA" xD Lmao

New year, new adventures.

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