Friday 3 January 2014

Talking Angela - Clear up

Hey :')

I'm getting irritated from the amount of people freaking out over "Talking Angela". The app is NOT dangerous ._. People describe the app as it takes "Secret photos" and deceives you into finding your personal information out. Well it's not true, if this really was the case people would look into it to find out what's happening and if it did happen then the app would have been taken down .-. Do NOT keep reading these awful reviews online about Talking Angela as many of them are over exaggerated and don't believe anything that anyone says. Where has everyone's common sense gone now? I CAN'T SEE IT ANYWHERE. This rumour started at about the beginning of last year so why bring it up again this year to cause more panic to your surroundings .-. Now I checked this flipping app out for myself you know just to prove this >.<

Camera: You have a choice whether to or not
On Talking Angela you have options to A) Talk to her freely on an "Adult mode" or something or B) Child Mode where there's no talking available. It's animations only. On the "Adult mode" you can CHOOSE to go on camera and tell her REAL things about you. I made up a sixteen year old girl named Lottie. I only got asked my age but that's because she needs to know to pick the right subjects to talk to you to. If she didn't ask that then she couldn't judge, after all she could be talking to an anonymous eight year old and start talking about sex or drugs and who knows what O___O

In the photos below I have my PROOF. On the smiley face on the left hand to the side of the conversation that's a button where you can CHOOSE to go on camera and SHOW your face. It's your fault if you've activated the camera. The age rating for this game is 4+ like it says on the app store and this is rated by critics so please .-. The age restriction is correct it's a matter of your choice on how you decide to say things or not. On one of the photos the smiley face is gone and is changed with a black ring, that was me on camera but I covered the camera up as I don't want anyone seeing me lmao xD

Also, it's the matter of how you talk to her. In my conversation we went through tons of things and none of it was personal >.< Whatever you're talking to her about is good luck or bad luck, we went through talking about school and I never got asked where I went to. It only depends how/what you're saying to then she'll bring a "personal" question up. I got asked by Angela what "undies" I would wear on New Years Eve but like I said "HI I'M LOTTIE AND I'M 16". I'm not but that's probably the type of things a late teen would discuss to and from each other O___O Sorry if you don't but eh

Anyway hope I cleared this up, mind sharing this blog post with people on MSP? I think people need to get sense in their head :')
Microphone options xD

You don't have to be honest to a flipping cat fgs

She's blinking ;)

Some comments are a bit on the odd side but it's how anyone would reply. You're over exaggerating just because you don't know her in the outside world.

Okay this question was odd but that's probably what sixteen year old girls discuss in their free time xD

The OPTION of Child Mode

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